Monday, April 12, 2010

I am buying a house!

I am currently waiting for closing on my first house. This blog is pretty much a way for me to share with everyone the changes I make to it as I go. I'm also going to try to make sure to keep a list of all of the paint colors, and remodeling products I use along the way. That is more for myself though. Closing is on April 28th in the morning. It can't come any faster!

It is a little red brick ranch house with an integral garage. There are 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a somewhat finished basement with a basement toilet and laundry room. It has a nice little .13 acre lot with a fenced in back yard. It is a nice little house (936 sq. ft) that was built in 1954. The decor inside is really dated, and I am going to probably spend a good amount fixing it up inside. That will give me plenty of things to update with.

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