Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Closing went amazingly fast. Everyone was amazingly organized and we were in and out in 10 minutes.

So! I have a house! I spent most of the rest of the day at Home Depot picking up things. Later in the day, the fam came over. We got a lot of preliminary stuff done and made a game plan.

So far I bought:
* new switches and outlets and outlet covers for the upper floor
* 2 gallons of ceiling paint
* sample of paint (shimmer, april mist, and isle of capri)
* 1 box of Allure flooring for the bathroom
* New thermostat (the old one is too hard to adjust)
* set of screwdrivers
* That bathtub refinishing paint

Today we:
* took all of the curtains down (I am not a curtain kind of person)
* took all of the covers off of the outlets and switches
* tested the paint (looked good :D)

Friday we plan on:
* Spackling holes from curtain anchors and the various nails and screws in the walls
* painting!
* Should probably try to do that bathtub refinishing as soon as I can

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